Podcasts are the simplest way to give your audience that feeling of actually knowing you. Not just what you do, but who you are. The beauty of a podcast is in its simplicity, radio is a clean medium, it lets you say whatever you would have written, but adds endless nuances that only a human voice can convey.

How are podcasts produced?

Quite simply, we meet at your office and record a short conversation, usually 15-30 min. the recording is done by a professional interviewer and recorded using broadcast grade equipment. We then edit it to take out all the unnecessary moments, and keep the conversation following, and add a intro and outro in the beginning and the end with a short musical note (jingle).

How do they get to your audiences?

That’s simple too, we work together to spread them using your existing network (email list and social media, if your not sure about these check out the links). If done correctly they should create a bit of virallity, that means that they should get shared and reach your audiences friends too. Of course if you really need to push things we can always set up some Facebook ads to boost your reach – but the best practice is to build your listener audience slow and steady.

Some other technical details…

Podcasts are produced in MP3 format and are playable on any device, this includes PC’s and smartphones. Your podcasts are stored on a dedicated SoundCloud account that belongs to you (it’s like Facebook, but for audio people). If you’re interested to learn more about how podcasts are growing and spreading have a look at this, if you have questions and would like to know how we can help you make the most of this old-new medium contact us.